Monday, November 6, 2017

The Southern Cross aka The Confederate Navy Jack

It's been awhile since I've posted but I felt this is EXTREMELY relevant in the times we are faced with today.  The Southern Cross, also known as The Confederate Navy Jack, is the most widely recognized flag of the Confederate States of America.

Please be aware of the following as this is the information that is of extreme importance for all Free Men, Americans and else where to understand.  It is necessary to disclaim any connection of this flag to neo-nazis, white nationalists, red-necks, skin-heads and the like. These groups have adopted this flag and desecrated it by their acts. They have no right to use this flag - it is a flag of honor, designed by the confederacy as a banner representing state's rights and still revered by the South. 

In fact, under attack, it still flies over the South Carolina capitol building. The South denies any relation to these hate groups and denies them the right to use the flags of the confederacy for any purpose. The crimes committed by these groups under the stolen banner of the conderacy only exacerbate the lies which link the seccesion to slavery interests when, from a Southerner's view, the cause was state's rights.

Note contributed by BJ Meksikatsi.

It is in this Southerner's opinion, that I highly recommend those who wish to fly a symbol that is less widely known, and it's very essence was created as a basis for State's Rights, such as those rights that are so widely fought for today by protests, and violence, you should fly the Stars and Bars, the original flag of the Confederacy.

What ignorant and under-educated Americans don't understand, is that the American Civil War was fought over State's Rights, not Slavery, it had no direct correlation with Slavery. In fact many of the so-called "Northern States" (Union States) allowed and legalized Slavery up until the end of the Civil War when the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Lincoln.  Issues of States Rights, like those that divided our country so many years ago, are very much prevalent in American Politics today. It is my opinion that if the citizen's of our great country don't quit their bickering, get educated, learn to accept compromise, and clean up the US Government with their right to vote, the only thing that will fix this country again, would be another Civil War. This would be horrible and it would decimate life as we know it, and I don't wish it on any country.

State's Rights are being taken each and every day! California fought for a long time to legalize Marijuana, it remained illegal per US Government Federal law, but through peaceful protest, education, and voting it soon became decriminalized on the Federal level. Their hard work has caused many other states to adopt similar legislation.  While on the topic of State's Rights why don't we talk about States having the right to deregulate their utilities industries like Texas and New York have done. In many US States, utilities are a Government run monopoly, the states do not have the right to choose how they wish to regulate them either.  How about States having the right to choose if they wish to honor citizen's wishes to have same-sex marriages? Or what about States having the right to choose if they allow the sick and mentally ill citizens that have been affected by some mental retardation saying they don't understand what sex they are, so they wish to use the opposite sex bathroom in public places?  No matter how liberal the issue, the State's should have the right to choose how they wish to legislate and allow these issues within their borders. This is EXACTLY the reason for the American Civil War, don't confuse the facts, and don't EVER let anyone tell you otherwise, because they are a liar, and are simply trying to push an agenda on you if so.

God Bless America
Kelly Crow

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